What Species Is It?

Female (on left) and male (on right). Tough one. Good luck. Check back for a hint in a few days if no one nails it.

Jonathan Losos


The Old Man and the Lizard: Hemingway’s Anole


Happy Birthday, ANSP!


  1. Good one. I can’t resist saying that I know what species this is, but I’m going to keep my answer to myself until others have had a chance to weigh in.

  2. Kanishka Ukuwela

    This looks so much like the Agamid Sitana ponticeriana in India and Sri Lanka!!

  3. Luke Mahler


    • Yoel Stuart

      That’s a good guess, given the (lack of) toepad shape. I second it.

  4. Wes Chun

    Only four toes on the hind feet. I agree with Kanishka.

  5. J James

    Over-thinking here, Doc was recently way down south, so looked there and closest dorsal pattern I could find was A. lemurinus, but the solid white fan dewlap on the male didn’t seem to fit. A. onca same isue? I think Kanishka may have nailed it. (I understand that white fan turns spectacular when the mating game is on.)

  6. Luke Mahler

    Yeah, I’m thinking I was fooled. The dewlap doesn’t look like onca’s, not to mention the toes. I’m now noticing that the title “what species is it?” conspicuously doesn’t have any mention of anoles!!

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