Green Anole Makes Scariest Ectotherm List

Doing a little holiday shopping yesterday at Barnes & Noble and came across Snakes and Reptiles: The Scariest Cold-Blooded Creatures on Earth on the bargain table. The drawings are charming and the material seems pretty factual (from a quick skim), but most importantly, an anole was included! At only $9.98, it seemed like a bargain, and you can get it for even less at Barnes & Noble’s website. Looks like a good present for young herpetologists or even older ones.

Jonathan Losos


Happy Chanukah!


Name the Species


  1. Maurice

    I dislike the book because it is filled with misleading information and is clearly aimed at the younger generation which is often less likely to look into the claims further.

    • Agreed. This book is panned in a review that appeared in the March issue of Herpetological Review. This review notes that this book includes numerous factual errors (beginning with the title, which should be “Snakes and other Reptiles” rather than “Snakes and Reptiles”), terrible over-the-top illustrations of snakes attacking children, and a tone that is highly sensationalistic, to put it mildly.

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