New Host, New Look

If you’re here, you’ve caught on to the fact that we’ve moved to our new home at  We’re having a header photo contest to celebrate this move, but before introducing the contest I need to cover some important information about the move.

First, I want to say thanks to Melissa Woolley for making the move possible.  Melissa moved the entirety of past Annals – including posts, comments, categories, and tags – to a new server, so you can just keep on using the new blog the same way you did the old one.  Note that comments and posts on the new site will not appear at the old, and vice versa.  To avoid confusion, the old blog will soon disappear entirely from view.  Melissa painstakingly created new accounts for all of our old users on the new system, but you might need to reset your password, which you can do here.  We’re sorry for any inconvenience this might cause and welcome any feedback about how we could further smooth the transition.  Temporary glitches aside, this move permits us to make some much needed improvements and expansions to the blog (we’ll introduce one such improvement very shortly!).  Those of you who routinely get to us by Googling “Anole Annals,” should use this opportunity to bookmark our new page!

OK, on to the photo contest!  We’re looking for new header images and need your help.  We’ll likely do a reader poll to pick a few winners among the entries received, but the precise format of the contest will depend upon the number of entries we get.  Winning photos will earn a place of honor among our set of rotating header images.  In order to be considered, an image must be precisely 1000 pixels wide by 288 pixels high.  We’ll credit you as photographer wherever possible, but ask that images not include any text or watermarks.  You can submit your images using our blog’s new ability to easily add images to a comment; just click the “Choose File” link beneath the comment box and navigate to your JPEG photo.  I can’t wait to see all of your amazing anole images!


Anoles on Genbank


How Far Has the Brown Anole Invaded?


  1. admin

    Want to get Anole Annals on your RSS feeder? Here’s the addresses:

  2. gabriel gartner

    why not have rotating images–too much diversity for just one image!

    • We do have rotating images and will maintain this practice moving forward. However, we’re looking to name one winner of the contest with others being awarded runner-up status and potential position in the header rotation. The reason for seeking one winner is that there will be a reward!

  3. marthamunoz

    Can you give some quick pointers for making the files the appropriate size? Do you use photoshop and resize, or is there a quicker solution? I’ve got pictures, but I’m not very adept at modifying them. Maybe there are other folks in my boat, too.

    • I’ve been using Photoshop to resize individual images. From the Image Menu: go to “Image Size” then change the width to 1000 px. For automating, there is one method here, among others.

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