Luke Mahler Wins Fisher Prize

The Society for the Study of Evolution gives the R.A. Fisher Prize “for an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation paper published in the journal Evolution during a given calendar year.” This year’s awardee is Luke Mahler, for the paper, which appeared on the cover of the Sept, 2010 issue of Evolution: Mahler, D.L., L.J. Revell, R.E. Glor, and J.B. Losos. 2010. Ecological opportunity and the rate of morphological evolution in the diversification of Greater Antillean anoles. Evolution 64:2731-2745.

The Fisher Prize is relatively young, but already boasts an impressive list of past winners, to which Mahler is a worthy addition:

2006 Maurine Neiman

2007 Guillaume Martin

2008 R. Brian Langerhans

2009 Megan Higgie

2010 Britt Koskella

2011 D. Luke Mahler

Jonathan Losos


The Perils of Urban Anolology


Great Moments in Anolology: Dedication of the MCZ Herp Library in Honor of Ernest Williams


  1. Mrs Lizard

    Congratulations to Luke

  2. mleal

    en hora buena, el primero de mucho mas reconocimientos por venir

  3. Yasel Alfonso

    Congratulations for this award, I hope you can accomplish many things in your future research
    Yasel Alfonso (Cuban herpetologist)

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