Find the Anole: Disney World Edition

This shot was taken by anole biologist Todd Jackman on Main St. USA during a recent trip to Disney World.  Can you spot the anole?


All About Sleeping Anoles


When an anolologist goes mouse trapping…


  1. chipojolab

    The face of the boy at the other side of the fence gives away the location. He is clearly offended by the fact that two anoles are having a “good time” in public!!!!!

  2. Jonathan Losos

    I’m not sure, but I believe Dr. Chipojo has an active imagination and a dirty mind! I only see one anole in the photo, and as far as I can tell, it’s not having a particularly good time.

  3. ThS

    I think that there are actually two, though they are not enjoying the rides. The one in the mulch is pretty easy to spot. But zoom in to the base of the tree and I believe that you will also see a knee extending out over the box and a head down anole on the cable. But then again, I am a little over stimulated by all the action in this photo and my eyes may be playing tricks on me.

  4. Wes Chun

    Unless I’m seeing things, there is an anole (or some other type of lizard) in the mulch at the base of the tree. Its head is facing the trunk.

  5. Jonathan Losos

    A bold hypothesis by ThS, but detailed analysis of a previously unpublished photograph from the Jackman files disproves the controversial second lizard theory.

  6. Pierre Legreneur

    The subsidiary question is: which ecomorph is it?

  7. Jane S.

    I just came back from WDW and did not see a single anole anywhere, brown or green. I’ve been to Florida many times before and looked forward to showing them to my 4 year old son. I was disappointed since they are usually running all around. I fear that their numbers may have dwindled. The gnat population however has grown and we couldn’t open our room without dozens flying in. We didn’t leave Disney property, so I’m wondering if Disney has put something down that would repel them. Does anyone have some insight on this?

    • Jon Neher

      Just got back from a conference at the Dolphin Hotel at WDW. I saw dozens of anoles in the 2 mile walk from my hotel to the Dolphin.

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